We are so blessed to have had such a wonderful Wisdom Keeper in the past who volunteered her time to nurture our community gardens, Sue Anderson! She is still with us in spirit. She developed this comprehensive guide for our Community Gardens that can be used in your garden too and can be followed every month. Thanks Sue!!
If you haven’t heard of Moon Planting then click HERE to learn the basics. You can view or download her Moon Phase Planting calendar below!
Sue’s Perpetual Gardening Calender.
The monthly jobs and moon plantings stay the same each year. The Moon calendar dates reflect the current year.
What to do in late February. Here are some ideas on what you can put in your garden then.
Amaranth (also Love-lies-bleeding) | Sow seed |
Beans – dwarf (also French beans, Bush beans) | Sow seed |
Beetroot (also Beets) | Sow seed |
Broccoli | Start undercover in seed trays and plant out in 4-6 weeks |
Burdock (also Gobo (Japanese Burdock)) | Sow seed |
Chives (also Garden chives) | Sow seed |
Collards (also Collard greens, Borekale) | Start undercover in seed trays and plant out in 4-6 weeks |
Endive | Sow seed |
Florence Fennel (also Finocchio) | Sow seed |
Kohlrabi | Sow seed |
For a full list of what to plant and to learn more click this link Gardenate.com who offer a great monthly planting guide for your specific area.
Click here to download and/or print the above Moon phases.
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