We had a great session last club night combining our community connection and plant of the month to share propagation tips in our small groups. Many people shared the difficulties they have had with seed raising in all the wet weather, so here’s a list of some of the tips people had:

  • Take advantage of the wet weather and ground – stick cuttings straight into the ground and they will grow
  • Volunteer /self seeding easiest way to grow things
  • To prevent seeds rotting from the extreme wet, sow seeds and place tray inside to germinate
  • Spray everything including cuttings and seed trays with a fermented product to reduce fungus in humid conditions (one recommendation was products from a local company Rural Boss (ruralboss.com.au), retails at outlets in Gympie, Pomona and Nambour)
  • Keep it simple
  • Esther’s 3 part potting mix (equal parts Red Soil Organics biodynamic fermented potting mix, perlite and coir)
  • Cuttings easy to propagate in the wet weather
  • Plant in pots if you need to move them around for better sun, drainage etc depending on conditions
  • Microclimates can be created in your garden to benefit some plants – some like lots of water like passionfruit whereas others like rosemary do not.
  • Use green manures – Kandanga Farm Store has cover crop seed and green mulch seed for sale.

Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any further gems you want to share with us all!

For those who want to learn more and practice these skills, stay tuned for regular propagation groups starting at the Cooroy Community Garden soon!

Tarla Jocumsen
Secretary and Club Night Coordinator