Hi Permies!

2025 is well underway, and it’s been a hot and humid start to the year as usual. Everything is growing crazily fast at the moment, and if you have acreage to mow, like me, you’re getting very familiar with your ride on.

We are already ramping up for a great year of speakers and events for Permaculture Noosa, and we kick it all off on February 18th, with a new Club Night date of the third Tuesday of the Month.

Kane from Red Soil Organics is our February Guest Speaker, and he will also be doing a workshop at the gardens in early March. Kane is well known to the club and the wider community and is a passionate advocate of soil health.

I also have a great surprise for our March Club Night.

Following on from Mark, of Self-Sufficient Me in December, I have managed to get David Trood (aka Weedy), from The Weedy Garden, to pay us a visit to be our Guest Speaker for our Club Night on Tuesday the 18th of March! I can’t wait for that one. If you watch Weedy’s videos on YouTube, you will know he is a great presenter with an abundance of knowledge and a fascinating journey and perspective to share. Let’s break some more attendance records!!

With Jenny stepping down from the kitchen, we also have a new team in place to prepare and serve the food on Club Night. My wife Pernille, and my son Asher (who many of you already know) are taking on cooking duties, in combination with Samantha Jensen, who has helped Jenny in the Kitchen before. As well as this, Aaron Chiswell has stepped up to manage the kitchen on Club Night. He has a decade of experience as a chef, so he is well qualified to help tweak the recipe and make sure the kitchen runs smoothly on the night, and the food is hot and tasty. Thank you so much to these volunteers, as this is a major source of funding for the club. We are super grateful for the support of Belmondo’s’ and Yukti Ayurveda & Yoga for the food ingredients and chai.

We also still need people to step up around our Open Gardens program and to help reintroduce the Permablitz concept, so if you have some energy to spare, drop me a line at president@permaculturenoosa.com.au

See you at Club Night, and if you have any surplus produce, please bring some for the Community Raffle.

Warm regards,

Geoff Powell

President, Permaculture Noosa