Hi members,
December is always a busy time of year, and this year it has been no exception. Christmas presents to organise, meals to plan, and in my case, a virus to overcome and a website to upgrade. Take a look at the new look https://permaculturenoosa.com.au website and let me know what you think. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s starting to get there. Thanks again to Cooroy RSL for their generous support of the project.
With all this rain, it’s hard to even keep up with the mowing, let alone the gardening. But it’s a great time of year for growth, and you can almost see the trees growing every day! The club has a bit of a break at this time of year, and we will first be back for our Club Night in February. We are still confirming new dates, but it looks like we will be sticking with a Tuesday night, just the third Tuesday instead of the first. Confirmation will come as soon as we have it. Our Guest Speaker for February will be the amazing Kane Dabbous from Red Soil Organics. What this man knows about soil life is simply incredible, and he will no doubt be a fountain of knowledge.
OK, it will be a short one this month. I’d like to wish you and your family the best for the Christmas and New Year period. Be safe on the roads, and don’t over-indulge, but instead, remember to be grateful for all the joy in your life and treasure your loved ones and your health.
I look forward to an exciting 2025 at Permaculture Noosa, and thank you to all the members who have been giving me great comments, both in person at club night and also in the comments here. Thank you for the privilege of being President of this amazing club.
All the best,
Geoff Powell
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