Our Logo

To celebrate our 25 year anniversary in 2019, the Permaculture Noosa committee felt it was time for a fresh, new look. We are very proud to launch our new logo, but as you will see below, we have not forgotten our heritage, or our old logo.

When seeking our new look we put out a call to designers who were willing to submit ideas, and if successful, design a new logo without charge to Permaculture Noosa. We received 4 excellent themes, and from these we selected our choice, which was then elaborated to become our new logo. We are very grateful for all submissions, but particularly thankful to Sarah Whittle-Herbert who put in so much work to come up with exactly what we wanted (even though we didn’t know what we wanted when we started out!).

Sarah is a young and passionate creative with a passion for design and film. She explains, ‘I designed the logo around the concept of permaculture, taking the principles like balance and natural harmony into account. We wanted to move away from the obvious imagery of trees and the like and create something symbolic of the essence of permaculture. I believe the chosen logo fulfils this extremely well as it takes the perfectly balanced nautilus shape from the coastal region of the permaculture community. The leafy pattern depicts nature, growth, community and sustainability rounding out the motivations and foundations of Permaculture Noosa.’

The evolution of our new logo

Farewell to our old logo – it has gone, but will not be forgotten

Our original logo was based on the logo from Bill Mollison, as appears below on the front cover of his Permaculture . A Designers’ Manual, Tagari Publications, Tasmania, 1988. Inside can be found the following description:

“The great oval of the design represents the egg of life; that quantity of life which cannot be created or destroyed, but from within which all things that live are expressed. Within the egg is coiled the rainbow snake, the Earth-shaper of Australian and American aboriginal peoples.

Within the body of the Rainbow Serpent is contained the tree of life, which itself expresses the general pattern of life forms, as further elaborated in the chapter on pattern in this book. Its roots are in earth, and its crown in rain, sunlight and wind. Elemental forces and flows shown external to the oval represent the physical environment, the sun, and the matter of the universe; the materials from which life on earth is formed. The whole cycle and form is dedicated … to the complexity of life on Earth.”