Next open garden

Noosa Permaculture’s next Open Garden extends over several acres on a steep, rocky, bush block in Ridgewood. The owners, Nic and Luuk, have lived on the property for six years however the garden was only begun 18 months ago. Much has been achieved in that time, including creating a number of food forest guilds (Southeast Asian, South American, Citrus and Bush Tucker), an annual veggie patch, and a herb garden. There have been many challenges along the way, particularly with the steep slope and the rocky ground, and Nic and Luuk are keen to share what they’re learning. The focus has been on soil building and providing food for pollinators (in other words there are plenty of flowers). A natural pool is a feature of the property. Sadly, this isn’t looking its best due to a recent landslide, but you will still get a clear sense of the vision.

Date:     Postponed due to wet weather. Date yet to be announced
Time:    10-11.30am followed by morning tea
(Please arrive by 9.45 to register)
Venue:  101 Top Forestry Rd Ridgewood
Bring:    A plate to share for morning tea
Please park on the road or in the gravel bay on your right just before you arrive at the address.

Being a steep site unfortunately the garden is not suitable for people with mobility issues or young children.
Closed toe footwear is advised.
Open to Permaculture Noosa members and friends.

Entry:          $2 for members of Permaculture Noosa
Entry:          $5 for everyone else (children under 16 free)

To become a member of Permaculture Noosa (and see our membership fees) either go to our website, or you can join on the day.
Any questions, please contact Jenny at


In 2012 Neil and Maria Page opened their new garden to Permaculture Noosa for the first time. Now, 10 years on, they are excited to show, and chat about, the abundant garden they have developed using swales and other permaculture design elements.

Neil’s interests are in building soil and supporting the living soil food web below and he will show you how this has been done.

Maria’s passion is seed saving. She still collects and shares seeds with permaculture groups.

You will be able to see tropical edibles, including Moringa, growing and discuss how to use them.

Come along and see examples of success and lessons learned. An open garden not to be missed.

Date:     Sunday June 12, 2022
Time:    10-11.30am followed by morning tea (Please arrive by 9.45 to register)
39 Hatch Road, Cootharaba
A plate to share for morning tea
Notes: Please drive in and park on the grassed area on the left-hand side of the driveway.

Open to Permaculture Noosa members and friends.

Entry:          $2 for members of Permaculture Noosa
Entry:          $5 for everyone else (children under 16 free)

To become a member of Permaculture Noosa (and view our membership fees) go to our website, or you can join on the day.
Any questions, please contact Jenny at