The Problem … when we do get rain (that elusive wet stuff), the Cooroy Community Permaculture Gardens has a very boggy area by the front entrance pathway, being the lowest area of the grounds.
The Solution … we originally planned to run a workshop with Sean Morrow to build a large frog pond in this area. Unfortunately the price of resources to effectively make such a pond project was too costly, so we decided to build a Seasonal Pond instead.
The Problem … the ground is rocky and very compacted and it costs money to get a machine in to dig a 4 x 2.5m hole, 300mm deep and digging by hand with picks was just out of the question!
Knowing our Permaculture Members to be a kind and helpful lot, we put out an email and a Facebook post seeking help in the form of a jackhammer and operator. Within a few hours, Dave (one of our new members) and his wife Melissa offered to lend us their jackhammer. Later that afternoon, George texted us offering his jackhammer and labour to help with the pond hole.
The Solution … Early the next morning Ian and Dee worked alongside George and Wayne – and the NOISE and DIGGING began, with jackhammering, shovelling and barrowing! By 11:30am the hole was complete – a very big thank you to everyone for making this happen.
Early on the morning of Saturday 16 November, another dedicated team of members gathered under the hot sun to complete the project. Rocks were kindly donated by Sandra and with the great support from Cooroy Landscape Supplies, the super team (see photos) set about shaping the pond, creating surrounding gardens, placing rocks and planting natives. It was hot, heavy work but three hours later a seasonal pond was created! All that was needed was some rain to fill the pond and for the group to see how the water flows into the newly modified area. Well our prayers were answered some six hours later when that part of Cooroy received over 50mm of rain and hail!!
Now our Cooroy Community Permaculture Gardens has a small water area for insects & frogs and an impressive front entrance. A big THANK YOU to all the hard working volunteers who enabled this project to come to fruition … a dedicated, awesome team of people who share a passion and a vision. It’s truly wonderful to be part of such an extraordinary group of Permaculture friends, who band together to help make a difference for our members and our community.
Amazing job. Perfect timing.
Wonderful ‼️What an amazing outcome habitat for wildlife and great satisfaction for the humans 🥰🥳👍