– Helping our President enhance a Natural desire-
When: 25th September Time: 9- 11am
Where: 52 Killawarra Road, Lake Macdonald
Our task: Our September Living Bee will be helping Latha revamp a Veggie Patch. We will be sheet-mulching an edge, adding a fresh compost layer to existing garden beds and tucking beds in ready for Spring planting. All year, Latha has been putting her energy into Permaculture Noosa Committee duties, now her garden needs our help. Please join us to add growing energy to Latha and Steve’s veggie production.
Bring: Hat, water, gloves (Garden tools are provided)
Please bring: A plate to share, or just come along and join us. Tea, coffee and watermelon will be provided.
We look forward to seeing you there to work/play together socially, while sharing knowledge and information in a fun permaculture setting.
If needed, contact Dee 0497754486 for more info.
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