We are excited to start the year with Geoff Lawton as our guest speaker for January Club Night. Geoff is a world-renowned Permaculture consultant, designer and teacher and has taught and consulted in 6 continents and close to 50 countries around the world. Geoff also founded Permaculture Noosa in 1994.
Eleven years ago, Geoff started the Greening the Desert Project in Jordan. (watch the video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sohI6vnWZmk&feature=youtu.be]. Today the project has developed to the point where residents are not only living a sustainable permaculture lifestyle, but the community is also economically sustainable through several initiatives they have set up. Geoff’s work in Jordan is extremely inspirational, not only for the incredible impact he has made to the local people, and the opportunities he has provided for students of permaculture around the world to study there, but for the lessons which are becoming increasingly valuable here in Australia as we are faced with worsening drought and a complete shift in our thinking about what is ‘normal’ weather for us.
You can ask questions of Geoff after his presentation.
The magical world of microorganisms! Join Aaron Mears from the Living Classroom Project as he teaches us how to cultivate microorganisms from simple household items to boost the immunity, uptake and growth of our vegetable gardens.
Raffle – Coo-ee !!
Our first raffle of the year includes an autographed recipe book “Coo-ee Cuisine” written and donated by Permaculure Noosa member, Dale Chapman. The recipes all use Bush Foods.
To help you on your journey, we have added some Bush Food plants from Landcare. As always, you are also entitled to five packets of seeds of your choosing from our fabulous Seed Bank.
Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5 – don’t forget to bring some change. You don’t want to miss out on a chance to win!
Do consider bringing friends or neighbours to our meetings. It’s how we grow the group and may be inspiring to them as well. As always, you will leave the meeting better informed!
Permaculture Noosa monthly meetings are held at the Cooroy Memorial Hall on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Doors open at 5.45 pm, when a market takes place where we share surplus home grown produce and plants by giving, exchanging or selling. Usually, there is a 45 – 60 minute keynote presentation as well as other shorter presentations on various permaculture related subjects.
Entry is a $5 donation for non-members. There is no charge for members. Anyone who has genuine financial difficulties and cannot afford the entry donation will be excused. We will not turn anyone away. The meeting begins promptly at 6.30pm and the night is complete with a shared supper (gold coin donation, or bring a plate to share). We aim to complete our formal presentations by 8.30 pm. All welcome.
See you there……
Looking forward to 2020 with the Club.