Subtitle: than you ever thought possible on less land than you can imagine John Jeavons, 8th edition, February 2012, 256 pp. Ecology Action GROW BIOINTENSIVE ® Publications
This is the book that helped revolutionize food production around the world. It is every gardener’s guidebook to healthier and more productive backyard gardens. Yes, it is possible to grow fresh vegetables for a family of four on the front lawn! This is the classic book on biointensive and GROW BIOINTENSIVE ® gardening for beginners to advanced gardeners. The most complete and practical book of its kind, proven effective in all types of garden conditions. Everyone who has used and enjoyed previous editions will want this book! This major revision updates everything, with the most current information and techniques on soil sustainability, composting, the future of farming, and garden planning. The master charts have been reorganized for easier planning, with information for all crops placed on two pages that can be easily seen together – saving all the effort spent on flipping from chart to chart in earlier editions to learn everything about one plant. New plans for making tools. A much expanded index. Provides an online address for a greatly expanded bibliography. “There are two kinds of vegetable gardeners. There are those who garden in beds of some kind, and for whom John Jeavons’s classic How to Grow More Vegetables is the ultimate foundation book, a must-read, and an essential reference. Then there are those who don’t garden in beds, for whom How to Grow More Vegetables is still a must-read and an essential reference. The full title…is How to Grow More Vegetables (and Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Grains, and Other Crops) Than You Ever Thought Possible on Less Land Than You Can Imagine. The title actually understates the contents. The book is about how to grow pretty nearly all your food and your garden’s fertilizer on a modest amount of land.” – Carol Deppe, suthor of The Resilient Gardener-Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times “…possibly the most detailed explanation of the Intensive gardening method available.” -The New York Times “John’s methods are nothing short of miraculous.” -Alice Waters – from the foreword APPROX WEIGHT: 1.55 lbs.