Permaculture Noosa is a not for profit organisation and there are no paid positions. So to sustain—and build on—our services we conduct fundraising throughout the year. Wherever possible we take the opportunity to promote permaculture and Permaculture Noosa in our fundraising activities. And wherever possible Permaculture Noosa endeavours to subsidise the costs of promoting and educating the community about permaculture.

How do we raise money and what fundraising activities do we organise?

  • Annual membership fee
  • $5 entry fee at our club nights for visitors (who are not members)
  • $2 entry fee for open gardens
  • Fee for workshops and courses (subsidised where possible to make them more accessible)
  • Sale of seeds and plants
  • Sale of merchandise
  • Events such as the Permaculture Noosa Festival
  • Sausage sizzles
  • Raffles
  • Seeking sponsorship and support from local businesses
  • Grants
  • Other opportunities when available

Where does the money go?
We raise money to cover our ongoing costs, which include:

  • Hire of the Cooroy Memorial Hall for our monthly Club Nights
  • Providing supper at Club Nights
  • Providing tea and coffee at most of our regular events (open gardens, living bees, club nights, community garden working bees)
  • Associated costs with running our website
  • External auditor / accounting fees (legal requirement)
  • Consumables (eg mulch, potting mix materials, plants and seedlings) for our Cooroy Community Permaculture Gardens
  • Hall hire and catering costs for workshops/events
  • Small amount of printing and marketing costs
  • Annual insurance policy to cover our members / volunteers
  • Entry fee for events to run stalls
  • Membership of external organisations

As well as other one-off costs for projects, most often for our community gardens:

  • Irrigation pipe and fittings for our new irrigation system
  • Equipment for the community gardens
  • Equipment/materials for running stalls at community events
  • Digital and audio/visual equipment

Ultimately, our goal is to build a club house at the Cooroy Community Permaculture Gardens to provide a meeting place, a venue for an increased number of workshops and courses, storage for our archives and materials for running of Permaculture Noosa, and shelter for our volunteers working at the gardens.

We keep abreast of grant opportunities that become available. In 2019 we have been successful in applying for the following grants:

  • National Volunteer Week – $500 grant to host our Volunteers Day on Sunday May 26
  • Climate Week Queensland – $500 grant to assist with the running of our Permaculture Noosa Festival on Sunday June 9

How can I be involved?

There are a number of ways to financially support Permaculture Noosa:

  • Become a member of Permaculture Noosa
  • Attend our information-packed monthly Club Nights
  • Support our events
  • Purchase seeds and plants from us
  • Donate
  • Get involved in our fundraising subcommittee
  • Volunteer to assist us with our events and other fundraising activities


If you would like to become involved in fundraising or if you would like further information or to make a donation, please email us at