Held February Wednesday 27th 2019
Place: 335 Tablelands RD. Cooran.PN Member: Fay Murphy.
The afternoon spent in a shade-house was attended by 13 energetic Permaculture members. The task was to chop and drop into the pathways all plants not invited to grow. Coffee grounds where then sprinkled to simply cause an overdose of nitrogen on all the cuttings. This also encourages worms to move into the pathways to work happily in the shade-house area.
Sawdust was then bought into the area by a relay of excited transformers who drastically changed the visual appearance of a once busy living shade-house to a calm view of a veggie garden about to be nurtured by Fay for the Winter growing season. Pathways were heavily filled with sawdust to push the cardboard down onto the greened walkways.
One of the long garden beds was mulched with wet newspaper and bales of straw where placed side by side to now be made into a straw bale garden. We sprinkled coffee grounds on the top, now allowing the nitrogen in the coffee to sink into the bales. We then wait for the next rain event to fully soak the straw. Fay is on tank water so knowing the rain events approaching help with this task. The straw acts like a sponge, holding the moisture and allowing the microbes, worms and new seedlings to live and grow happily. The bales will need watering once the seedlings, seeds are planted but monitoring will be easier for Fay, who finds bending to the ground a bit hard to do.
A big thank you to all those who attended this Living Bee event. Your positive Energy has been placed into Fay’s garden and our love of all things Permaculture has been strengthened as a caring community….
Warm regards. Val Wilson, Living Bee co-ordinator.

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