Our next guest speaker

“Natures Way to a Healthy Garden”

Our next Guest Speaker is Terry Stokes who has worked in the field of organic, regenerative garden and land management for the past 14 years and has helped develop a leading Bio Organic Sustainable Solutions business in Queensland, educating farmers and gardeners alike on how to grow more naturally and productively.

Nature has proven its resilience and capability to grow amazing eco systems without the intervention of man. There are many things we can learn from natures growing systems that will help us to grow a healthy, vibrant, more nutritious, pest and disease resistant garden.

In his talk we will look at the importance of soil health and how to enhance the microbial eco systems within the soil. Other subjects to be covered include: – Biodiversity, Water Conservation, Natural Pest Control, Balanced Essential Nutrient Provision, Garden Productivity and more.

Contact Terry

M: 0499 483 779

E: terry@bossaust.com


Speakers coming up in the next few months include some of our wonderful members like Elisabeth Fekonia presenting on her experiences teaching permaculture practices to farming communities in Uganda and Kenya (November) and we are delighted to have Mark from Self Sufficient Me (https://selfsufficientme.com/) speaking to us in December. Mark’s YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/selfsufficientme) has over 2.37 million subscribers, so it’s a presentation you don’t want to miss!

Hope to see you all at Club Night!


Location: Cooroy Memorial Hall, 23 Maple St, Cooroy.

Opens at 6:00 pm.

Markets: Plants, Seeds, Produce and more!

At 6:30 pm our presentation begins.

Raffle: Our community raffle is a community effort. Please bring anything you wish to donate to the raffle, whether it be excess produce, homemade goodies or little crafty bits and bobs! Please place any items in the box inside the front door.

Supper: Dahl ($6/bowl) and Chai ($4 bottomless cup, keep cups welcome!) will be for sale on the night.

Entry is a $5 donation for non-members. There is no charge for members.

Do consider bringing friends or neighbours to our meetings. It’s how we grow the group and may be inspiring to them as well. As always, you will leave the meeting better informed and hopefully better connected to others in the community!

To find out more, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.