Book Library

Permaculture Noosa has a great library available for members to borrow books for a month at a time – see catalogue below. The library operates at our monthly club night meetings. Please remember to return books so we all have the opportunity to enjoy reading these great resources.

If there is anything you find particularly interesting, do share it by putting a paragraph in the newsletter. Just email it to our editor And if you would like to see a particular book added to our library, or you would like to donate permaculture books, please come and see us at club night.

A Swentzell, The Straw Bale House
Ainslie Meares Relief Without Drugs 1968
Alan Grey Alternative Energy
Alan T. Gray & Anne Hall (ed) Forest-Friendly Building Timbers
Alanna Moore Backyard Poultry 2004
Alanna Moore Earth Care Earth Repair
Alanna Moore Stone Age Farmng-Eco Agriculture for the 21st Century 2001
Alex Podolinsky Organic Biodynamic  Outlook- A lecture to Consumers 1988
Allan J. Yeomans Priority One 2005
Allen Seale Allan Seales’s Garden Doctor- Simple Answers to Garden Problems 1991
Anita Roddick Take it Personally – how globalization affects you and powerful ways to challenge it 2001
Ann Cliff The Bee Book 2010
Annette and Grant McFarlane Pig Keeping on a small scale 1996
Annette Mc Farlane Organic Vegetable Gardening 2002
Annette McFarlane Organic Vegetable Gardening 2002
Art Ludwig Create an Oasis with Greywater 2009
Atlee Burpee Co. Burpees 1888 Farm Annual – 1975
B. Murray (ed) Protect Your Citrus 1987
Barbara Carseldine Creating a culture with a reverence for water 2003
Better Homes and Gardens  A Growers Guide to vegetables
Bevan McLeod Zeolite/ Phosphate Rock – Part 1
Bill Mollison Ferment and Human Nutrition
Bill Mollison Introduction to Permaculture 1991
Bill Mollison Introduction to Permaculture
Bill Mollison Introduction to Permaculture 1991
Bill Mollison Permaculture A Designers Manual
Bill Mollison Travels in Dreams
Bill Mollison David Holmgren Permaculture One 1978
Charles and Violet Schafer Wokcraft 1972
Colin Austin Water, Wit and  Wisdom – the search for solutions to the water crisis 2004
Davd Booth. ed The Art of Learning- From the Children of an East Bali Village 2005
David Holmgren Collected Writings  1978-2000
David Holmgren Hepburn Permaculture Gardens- 10 Years Of Sustainable Living 1989
David Holmgren Permaculture – principles & pathways beyond sustainability 2002
David Holmgren Permacuture P&P beyond Sustainability
David Suzuki & Holly Dressel Good News For A Change- Hope for a Troubled Planet 2002
David Suzuki and Holly Dressel Good News for a Change – hope for a troubled planet 2002
Dennis Smith Backyard Project Book
Dorling Kindersley Growing Organic -DKK 2009
Earth Garden City Permaculture
Earth Garden Easy Aquaponics
Elaine Ingham Compost Tea Brewing  Manual
Els Wynen and Sandy Fritz Sustainable Agriculture – a viable alternative 1987
Eugene Eccli (Ed) Low-Cost, Energy-Efficient Shelter for the owner and builder 1976
Fanton J & M Local Seed Network Manual
FantonJ & M The Seed Savers Handbook
G. Tyler Miller, Jr Living in the Environment 1994
Gardening australia Compost Video
Glen Wilson Landscaping with Australian Plants 1973
Graeme R. Quick Australian Tractors – indigenous tractors and self
propelled machines in rural Australia                                 1990
Graeme Sait Nutriton Rules
Graeme sait The Three Up Tour
Hawkins and Lovins Natural Capitalism – The next industrial revolution
Henry E Voegeli John J Tarrant Survival 2001 -scenario from the future 1975
Hu Lovel A Biodynamic Farm
Isabell Shiphard How Can I Use Herbs in My Daily Life
J.Millington & C.Nuttall Outdoor Classrooms
Jackie French Companion Planting
Jackie French Soil Food
Jackie French Soil Food
Jade Woodhouse Food Forests
Jade Woodhouse Organic  Happy Healthy Chooks
Jared Diamond Guns Germs and Steel
Jennifer Isaacs Bush Food- Aboriginal Food and Herbal Medicine 1992
Jenny Allen Paradise in Your Garden
jenny Allen Paradise in Your Garden
Jenny Allen Paradise in Your Garden
Jenny Allen Smart Permaculture Design 2002
Jenny Allen Smart Permaculture Design 2002
Jenny Allen and B Knudsen Eat Your Garden (video)
Jo Hirschfield What to Plant where in Brisbane and the Coasts
Joel Salatin Salad Bar Beef 1995
Joel Salatin You can Farm 1998
Johan Von Longen The Barefoot Architect 2008
John & Rosemary Hemphill Hemphill Book of Herbs 1990
John Fedor Organic Gardening
John Fedor Organic Gardening for the 21st Century 2001
John Heinerman Encyclopedia /Fruit sVegetables Herbs
John Jurantich Razor Edge Sharpening
Joseph Jenkins The Humanure Handbook-a guide to composting human manure 2005
Judith V Hallett Natural Plant Dyes 1992
Julie Stafford A Taste of Life- recipe book 1984
Katrina Shields In the Tiger’s Mouth – an empowerment guide for social action 1991
Keith Smith Growing Uncommon Vegetables
Kevin Walsh WaterSaving Gardening in Australia 1993
Lee Fryer The New Organic Manifesto 1986
Lee Fryer The Renaissance of Organic  Agriculture
Lee Fryer and Leigh Bradford  A Childs Organic Garden
Lee Fryer and Leigh Bradford A Child’s Organic Garden – grow your own delicious, nutritious food 1990
Leonie Norringtons Tropical Food Gardening
Linda Woodrow The Permaculture Home Garden
Lindsay Bock (ed) Natural Farming Australia – a new era in commercial farming 1995
Lindsay Bock-Ed Natural Farming Australia – A new era in Commercial farming 1995
Lyn Bagnall Easy Organic Gardening and Moon Planting 2009
Malcom MGuire Clean Food – Your  Complete Australian Organic Lifestyle & Shopping Guide 2005
Manfred Urs Koch Natural to Juice – the complete nutritional guide to the benefits of fresh juices for your body 2002
Margaret Hanks Mr Fothergills-Growing From Seed- 0
Margaret Masters Growing Australian Plants 1977
Mary Riley Smith The Front Garden – New Approaches to Landscape Design 1991
Max Davidson Basic Vegetable  Gardening- A complete guide to successful growing 1977
Michael Hackleman Wind and Windspinners – nuts and bolts approach to wind-electric systems 1974
Michael Hackleman Wind and Windspinners – nuts and bolts approach to wind-electric systems 1974
Mortiss & Chamala Group Management Skills for Landcare
Mrs M Grieve A Modern Herbal 1994
Nan & Hugh Nicholson Australian Rainforest Plants III 1991
Nerys Purchon Handbook of Herbs 2002
Nick Romanowski Edible Water Gardens- growing water plants for food and profit 2007
Norman de Vaus Better Vegetable Growing for Australian Gardeners 1973
NSW Ag Dept Bee Keeping for Business & Pleasure
Paul C. Bragg Healthfood Cook Book 1976
Paul Hawken The Ecology of Commerce – how business can save the planet 1993
Paul Hawken The Ecology of Commerce – how business can save the planet
Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins Natural Capitalism – The next industrial revolution 1999
Paul Lacinski &Michel Bergeron Serious Straw Bale- A home construction Guide for All Climates
Penny Woodward Grow Your Own herbal Remedies 2003
Penny Woodward Pest Repellent Plants
Percy Weston Cancer Causes and Cure
Peter Andrews Back from the Brink
Peter Bennett Organic Gardening 6th edition 1999
Peter Harper Radical Technology
Peter Harper The Natural Garden Book
Peter McHoy A Practical Guide to Pruning 2001
Philip W Kuchel & Gregory B Ralston Schaum’s Outline Series -Theory and Problems in Biochemisty 1988
Phillip Rodwell Ed Readers Digest Your Gardening Questions Answered 1989
Rachel Carson Silent Spring 1971
Richard Beckett Home Grown
Richard. J. Chorley (ed) Introduction to Physical Hydrology 1969
Robert H. Whittaker Communities and Ecosystems 1975
Robin Clayfield Gifts for Wild Women – tools for healing, growth and self-nurturing 2002
Robyn Clayfield You can Your Permaculture and Eat it Too
Robyn Hogan Weekend Farming – a handbook for enthusiasts 1984
Rogers Safer Pest Control
Ron Scmid Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Rosemary Morrow Earth users Guide to Permaculture 2006
Rosemary Morrow Earthwise Guide to Permaculture
Ross Mars The Basics of Permaculture Design 2008
Sally Fallon Nourishing Traditions
Selby Gouldstone Guide to food Bearing Foods
Sir Albert howard An Agricultural  Testament
Smilie & Gershuny The Soul of Soil
Steen The Straw Bale House
Suzanne Porter Understanding Cholesterol 1988
Suzuki & Dressel Good News for a change – hope for a troubled planet
Thalasso Cruso Making Things Grow- A practical guide for the indoor gardener 1970
Tim Low The New Nature
Tom Crossen Venture into Viticulture -An introduction to the principles and practices of viticulture 1997
Victor Cusack Bamboo Rediscovered 2003
Caring for the Earth – a strategy for sustainable living 1991
Earthworms in Australia
Ethical Supermarket Shopping
Getting Ready – a guide for international NGO, permaculture and community development workers
Getting Ready – a guide for international NGO, permaculture and community development workers 1998
How To Be a Survivor
Improve your Sight Without Glasses
Mudbrick Notes
Olive Leaf Extract
Olive Leaf Extract
Organic Gardening
Permaculture in the Bush