Bendigo Bank Community Pavilion

After three years of enormous effort by the club, the Bendigo Bank Community Pavilion was officially opened in September 2023.

Permaculture Noosa would like to give a huge shout out to Sandra Guy, in her role as Vice President during much of this time. Sandra’s effort and passion were a driving force to getting this project completed.

As the name suggests, the Bendigo Bank was a major benefactor to the project, and it could simply not have been achieved without their generosity and community based vision.

It is now Permaculture Noosa’s headquarters, and is also available for booking for workshops and functions.

Development History

Read below all about the development of this amazing community facility.

May 2023 Update

The Pavilion is near completion and we plan on having a grand opening day on September 2nd!

November 2022 Update

Bendigo Bank has just generously given us a grant for $50,000! This means that we can now get the roof onto our Pavilion! The builder has been booked and we hope to have the roof on late Feberuary 2023.

April 2022 Update

Big Plans for the Cooroy Community Permaculture Gardens!

In 2020 we announced our plans to construct a shelter at the Cooroy Community Permaculture Gardens. Since then the committee has been hard at work to finalise plans, seek all the necessary approvals, select the successful builder through a tender process, apply for multiple grants, and of course fundraise.

We have divided the whole project into two stages:

  • Stage one will see construction of the shelter – concrete slab, timber posts and roof – which we can start using straight away for meetings, gatherings and workshops.
  • Stage two will incorporate a small cob building at one end, which will ultimately house a storeroom, a small office for Permaculture Noosa records, and a kitchenette.

As of September 2021, we are proud to announce that we have raised the funds necessary to proceed with Stage One, and we have selected Teco Design and Constructions Pty Ltd from Kin Kin as our builders.

Our thanks go to Noosa Council and Queensland Govt Community Benefit Fund, who have both awarded us grants ($30,000 and $35,000 respectively), and to all our volunteers and supporters who have enabled us to run very successful fundraising events – monthly BBQs at the Pomona markets, a major raffle in 2020, and our upcoming quiz night in October at the Cooroy Memorial Hall.

Unfortunately we are being hampered by the explosion of construction projects currently happening around Australia, which has led to a very short supply of many building materials. We are working through this (and waiting patiently), and hope to start construction in the fourth quarter of this year.

Scroll down to view our plans, and if you are passing by our community gardens, keep an eye out for the start our new pavilion.

We announced in our July 2020 edition of Permanews that the committee has voted unanimously to build a new shelter at our community gardens to provide an all-weather space where we can hold community events, workshops and courses, swap produce (harvest swaps), and help to bring back community connection within the gardens.

Please click on the pictures above to review our latest plans.

September 2020 progress report

  • Development Approval application lodged with Noosa Council
  • Applied for grants – Noosa Council (max $30,000) – we hope to have results in June 2021
  • Soil tests have been completed
  • Plan to go to tender for a main contractor at beginning of October
  • Start work on site in early November
  • Plan to complete shelter only (slab, posts and roof) by Christmas, if successful builder can meet schedule
  • Cob building workshops to start in January – anticipated it will take 8 full days to complete walls

August 2020 progress report:

Brett Grimley from Ecolibrium Designs in Eumundi is preparing the design and documentation for Permaculture Noosa, and is generously donating much of his time to this exciting project.

The new shelter will feature a large meeting space, an outdoor kitchen for events, demonstrations and workshops, a cob pizza oven, a small office and storage space using cob walls, solar panels and water harvesting.

This will be a venue for Permaculture Noosa workshops on a range of topics from growing food to composting, grafting, worm farming, and our very popular Introduction to Permaculture course. It will provide the hub for our Seed Savers meetings and our working bees, Club Days, harvest swaps, plant and seed sales, guest speakers, social gatherings like music and pizza nights, and of course, a focal point for our very popular Permaculture Noosa Festival – the possibilities are many and varied. We will also encourage community groups to enjoy the space for their own events.