Club Night Archive

January 2020

Our founder Geoff Lawton gave a great talk to a packed hall on our Club Night.

You can listen to his Introduction talk HERE.
Geoff then spoke for a while then played a video of the progress that has been made at the property in Jordan.
You can watch his excellent “Behind the Scenes” video HERE.
You can listen to his before and after talk HERE.

November 2019

Kath Manuel from Soil to Supper gave us a great presentation called “Gardening through Life’s Ups and Downs”.

You can listen to her presentation HERE.

October 2019 – The Living Classroom

Aaron Mears, Dan Deighton and Vanessa Scofield get together to teach Permaculture in Schools.
Using special gardening techniques they teach students how to design sustainable vegetable gardens, how to grow their own produce and how to cook delicious food. You can view their presentation video HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Club Night 19 September 2019 – Herbal Extravaganza

Our first guest speaker was Heidi Merika who gave us an informative talk about herbs in your garden.
“Leave the weeds! Wild herbs in your garden.”
You can listen to her presentation HERE.
You can view her presentation HERE.

Our next guest speaker was Lisa Delanoue who gave a great talk about chickens and her herb garden.
Herbs & chickens, how they benefit each other in a Permaculture garden.
You can listen to her talk HERE.

Our last quest speaker was Nina Saxton who talked to us about commercial growing of herbs from a Permaculture perspective.
You can listen to her presentation HERE.
You can view her presentation HERE.

Q & A Panel with the above speakers. You can listen HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Club Night 15 August 2019

Our first guest speaker was Chris Kirkpatrick who told us about his trap for Cane Toad tadpoles.
You can listen to his presentation HERE.

Our main guest speaker was Kylie Carr and her husband who gave a great talk about their organic farm ‘Bunya Grove’.
You can listen to their talk HERE.
You can view their presentation HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Club Night 18 July 2019

Esther showed us how to use edible Sword Fern ‘balls’ (rhizomes). You can view her video demonstration HERE.

Our first guest speaker was Sue Anderson from our Seedsavers group who talked to us about ‘planting by the moon’.
You can listen to her presentation by clicking HERE.
You can view her planting by the Moon information sheet by clicking HERE.

Our main guest speaker was Stuart Andrews who gave us a great introduction to ‘Natural Sequence Farming’ and offered a great solution to land management in Australia. You can listen to his presentation by clicking HERE.
You can view his presentation by clicking HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Club Night 20 June 2019

Dee showed us how to grow and use Ginger and Tumeric. You can view her video demonstration HERE.

Sandra Tuszynska gave an amazing talk about “Fungi – the Superheroes of Our Future”. You can view her slideshow HERE.
You can listen to her talk, click HERE.

Charlie from the band Formidable Vegetables visited our Club Night and sang a couple of great Permaculture inspired songs for us.
You can listen to them HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Club Night 16 May 2019

Dee showed us how to use the amazing plant Aloe Vera. You can view her video demonstration HERE.

Graeme Sait gave a great talk about “The Secrets of Growing Super Food”.    You can view his slideshow HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Club Night 18 April 2019

Aaron Mears – ‘Lulu’s Perch’. To listen to his talk click HERE.
Find out about Aaron’s wonderful permaculture YouTube video blog.

Dee showed us how to make a delicious Green Papaya Salad. You can view her video demonstration HERE.

Click this link to see Dee’s Green Papaya Salad recipe

Bob Cameron, Rockcote. To listen to his talk click HERE.
What happens when you base a business organisation on permaculture principles?

Permaculture Noosa Club Night 21 March 2019

Dee Humphreys showed us how to make delicious dip from Madagascar beans. You can view her video demonstration HERE. Click this link to see Dee’s Madagascar Bean Hummus Recipe.

Our first speaker was Helen Andrew who is the founder of Spare Harvest. She gave a great talk about Social Permaculture and the power of networking. To listen to her talk click HERE.

Our main guest speaker was Kelvin Nielsen who talked about the wonderful world of butterflies and their habitat. To listen to his talk click HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Club Night 21 February 2019

Mel Hobbins gave us an informative talk about preparing for the cool season veggie planting.

To listen to his talk click HERE.  You can view his presentation HERE.

Our main guest speaker was Morag Gamble who talked about her fascinating trip to East Africa and her quest to show them Permaculture methods. To listen to her talk click HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Club Night 17 January 2019

Zaia Kendall gave us a demonstration on how to turn home grown yams into bread. To listen to her talk click HERE.

Click on this link for Zaia’s Yam Flatbread Recipe.

Our first guest speaker was Wayne Oldham who talked about the medicinal herb – Herb Robert. To listen to his talk click HERE.

You can view his visual presentation HERE.

Our main guest speaker was Tom Kendall who gave us an inspirational talk about his “Permaculture Journey”. To listen to his talk click HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Meeting 15 November 2018

Our first guest speaker was Svenning who gave an interesting talk about native bees.

To listen to his talk click HERE.

You can view his visual presentation HERE.

Our main guest speaker was Elizabeth Fekonia who gave a great talk about the evolution of the Yandina Community Gardens.

To listen to her talk click HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Meeting 18 October 2018

Our first guest speaker was Mel Hobbins who spoke about the importance of creating and maintaining ‘Your Soil’.

To listen to his talk click HERE.

You can see his visual presentation HERE.

Our next guest speaker was Sarah Lees-Barton who gave an inspiring talk about her journey with Permaculture.

To listen to her talk click HERE. 

Permaculture Noosa Meeting 20 September 2018

No audio recordings were made at this month’s meeting.

Permaculture Noosa Meeting 16 August 2018

Our Guest Speaker was Max Lindegger who spoke about his experience helping farmers in Cambodia.

To play Audio click HERE.

Vic introduced us to an inspiring uTube video clip by Morgan Freeman titled ‘Our Future”.

To view this video clip click HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Meeting 19 July 2018

Guest speaker Jason Davies talks about growing market gardens and varieties of salad plants.

To play Audio click HERE.

Vic talked about young peoples passageway to adulthood and their happiness. He played a Utube video by Dr Arne Rubinstein on TED which was presented at Byron Bay in 2013.
To view this video, click HERE.

Guest speaker Susie Chapman from the Healthy Land & Water group spoke about “Building a Circular Economy for Organics.”

To play Audio click HERE.

Circular Economy for Organics Presentation.

Permaculture Noosa Meeting 21 June 2018

Guest speaker Gareth Duggan talks about available solar energy technology for your home.

To play Audio click HERE.

Latha delivers the Cooroy Community Garden (CCG) report.

To play Audio click HERE.

Robyn talks about Mary Valley Country Harvest.

To play Audio click HERE.

The Moringa tree. Information about this amazing tree plus audio from the video clip.

To play Audio click HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Meeting 9 May 2018

Elisabeth Fekonia on what to plant this month

To play Audio click HERE.

Elisabeth Fekonia’s Tribute to Rosina Buckman

To play Audio click HERE.

Rosina presentation

Jason Virtue’s Talk on Holistic Management

To play Audio click HERE.

Matt Stevens Brisbane Holistic management intro April 2018 – as at 8 March 2018

Maria Page on Seed Saving (cucumbers)

To play Audio click HERE.

Valerie Wilson’s Report on a recent Working Bee at Denni Thompson’s property

To play Audio click HERE.

Val Permaculture Noosa presentation

Vic Bateman on Personal (Romantic) Relationships

To play Audio click HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Meeting 19 April 2018

Beating climate change presentation

Elisabeth Fekonia on the importance of Saving our Seed

The Importance of saving our seed presentation

To play Audio click HERE.

Heinz Gugger gave a talk.

Cooroy April 18 presentation

To play Audio click HERE.

Kim Martin on “Grow It” products

2017 GC Talk DGIA to GROW presentation

To play Audio click HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Meeting 15 March 2018

Dee Humphreys on what to plant in March

To play Audio click HERE.

“Growing your soil” by Robyn Harrison

To play Audio click HERE.

“Witjuti Grub Bushfood Nursery” by Veronica Cougan

To play Audio click HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Meeting 15 February 2018

Dan Deighton gave a talk about Permaculture gardens at schools.

To play audio click HERE.

WHS Permaculture 2009 – 14 Presentation.

Dee Humphries talked about her open property.

To play audio click HERE.

Elisabeth Fekonia talked about what to plant in February.

To play audio click HERE.

What to plant in February Presentation.

Vic did a book review about People Skills.

To play audio click HERE.

Vic talked about the first flush system for water tanks (sequel)

To play audio click HERE.

Permaculture Noosa Meeting 18 January 2018

Dee Humphreys on what to plant this month

To play Audio click HERE.

Vic reviews a book:

To play Audio click HERE.

Vic & Wayne on water tank bypass systems

First flush presentation

To play Audio click HERE.